24 January, 2011

Bloggiesta Finish Line

The Fourth Edition of Bloggiesta has come to a close for me. This was my first time participating and I will definitely be back for more! Bloggiesta was a chance for me to evaluate the different things that I wanted to change or improve about my blog. It was a change for me to see what could be done to make the blog itself better, in terms of SEO, navigability, looks, and of course, content. As PEDRO denotes:

Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organize.

Here are the goals that set to to do that I was able to accomplish:

--archive reviews that I have posted between December and the present

-possibly relocate some of content in my sidebars

--display the blog/book tours where I am a member

--figure out how I want to display the information for the challenges that I am attempting

--create a privacy policy

--return review requests emails

--visit the blogs of the book tour that I participate in and leave introductory/salutatory comments

--create a google doc to organize/plan my review, guest post, or author interview post dates for the next 60 days

--create a google doc to organize the ARC tour books that I will be receiving, as well as the ones that I express interest in

--create a google doc to organize the e-books for review that have expiration dates (S&S galley grab and NetGalley books)

--make a schedule of the review books, and personal books that I want to read for the next 60 days

In addition to finishing the above goals that I had set beforehand, I found myself adding a few things to my list, after seeing the tweets, goals, and mini-challenges of the other bloggers that were participating. I thought it was great that I could ask questions, and maybe help out others who had questions of their own. I only did one mini-challenge. Several of them were things that I already utilize, like the google forms, the button, the book organization, and the vanity alerts. But, I learned much just from having the mini-challenges as part of the event.

A few goals that I added and completed during Bloggiesta:

Create an About Me page (not just the profile page that Blogger has)

Get listed on several book blog directories

Have my blog graded

I'm happy that I was able to get so much done, but the one issue that I had with time, was when I got involved in reworking some of my template's HTML. I don't have a self-hosted domain yet, and I found that Blogger's template customization can be limiting when I know the code, and I know what I want the code to do, but it can't be inserted under the particular template that I use. I got way too caught up in trying to change something that I ended up having to remove anyway. It was a little disappointing. The next time that I participate in Bloggiesta, I will have to better parse my time, or decide between improving the content aspect, or the HTML aspect.

There were two projects that I started to work on, which I couldn't finish for Bloggiesta, but will be a priority going forward:

--figure out a way to better organize my review archive

--make a template for my reviews to include publisher, date release, series, author/book links, and if you liked recommendations

I also never got a chance to do any actual writing. I had this outlook that I would be able to catch up on all of the reviews that I needed to write. A few were reviews of books that I had read on my own, a couple were for books that were read for request, but the majority of the reviews would have counted toward my reading challenges. Again, I realize that I spent too much time on the design aspect of my blog, and didn't allow for writing time.

Two goals left unstarted during Bloggiesta:

--write reviews for the backlog of books that I have finished reading (7-8 reviews)

--update my challenges with the books that I have read for the month and link review pages

I loved having the change to dedicate myself to doing more for my blog, and I liked being part of a community of bloggers doing the same. Sincere thanks go out to Natasha at Maw Books, for hosting this event, and bringing together the fabulous bloggers that presented the mini-challenges, and well as having Pedro tweet such good links with helpful hints. And, I'll definitely be back for Bloggiesta the Fifth!

Did you participate in Bloggiesta? How did you do?


  1. Great job! Even though you didn't get to everything, you managed to get a lot done! Yay! And, maybe you will stay motivated throughout the week, and get the rest checked off...!!

  2. WHEW! You had lost to do on Bloggiesta! I would have liked to have gotten soooo much more done! Drop by and say hi if you get a chance!


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