I'm giving a warm welcome for author Kiki Howell to Read My Mind. The author of many paranormal e-novels, Kiki can be found at:
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To read or not to read? What is on your nightstand? Or something to that effect. Kiki Howell is here today to speak about what genres she likes, and give everyone a peek at some of her favorite reads.
Title: Stupid Reader
I love the name of this blog. It brings so much to mind, as I’m sure was intended. What it brought to mine, was my reading habits. and how misunderstood I am in a house of men, none of whom read.
A standing joke in my house, thanks to a particular George Lopez episode, is for them to say, “Stupid reader” sometimes when they see me with a book in my hands, one I just can’t put down, reading while trying to cook or some other task. With so many books and so little time, I feel the need to multi-task sometimes. But writers read, and I believe you can learn a thing or two about an author by finding out what books they have read and loved. I have followed this concept with my own blog because I think it is fascinating to interview authors to find out what they are reading. Helps create a nice, large, to-be-read list for me as well.
So, should I answer my own question? What is my favorite genre to read in? Well, actually, I like a mix of genres. I can put them into an order though.
1. I almost always have to have romance.
2. I love to add the paranormal genre to that. Got a thing for the otherworldly.
3. If the erotic genre is added as well, well then all the hotter.
4. While I will read any contemporary, I love a good historical setting, Regency England being a personal favorite.
5. Hey, add in the suspense, and I am good even with some darker elements as well, and you have yourself a deal breaker! LOL
Do I want it all or what? With this mix of genres, although it was not ‘erotic’ per say, but it was hot, my favorite book, series actually, if I was forced to pick, is The Cabot Sisters series by Teresa Medeiros: After Midnight and The Vampire Who Loved Me. One of the few books I can say I have read more than once and would read again. Absolutely loved them! Another favorite book of mine is Dragon’s Lair by Denise Lynn. Also, a few more that stand out in my mind: the Wherlocke series by Hannah Howell (If He’s Wicked, If He’s Wild and If He’s Sinful); Nora Roberts’s Three Sister’s Island series (Dance Upon The Air, Heaven and Earth, and Face the Fire); and Annette Blair’s Vintage Magic series even though they are not all out yet (so far – A Veiled Deception, Larceny and Lace, Death By Diamonds, Skirting the Grave). Okay, not so eclectic in the favorites area.
Always want to know if people can say what their favorite book is, hands down, without even having to think about it. Can you? If so, I would love to know!
But, I am varied in what I will pick up at the library, what I will read recommended by friends, etc. Just as much as I like to find out what people are reading, I am curious to know where, when and what the ideal setting is for them to read. I read every day. On busy days this may not happen until evening when the house settles down and the kids are in bed, but it happens. I can go either way with format. I still like possessing my own book, stacking them on the shelves, but I have come to adore my ereader for many reasons like ease of buying, taking notes when reviewing a book, etc. My ideal setting for reading would be under a blanket, by the fire with a cup of tea or hot cocoa in my hand. Okay, add in a few cookies. If I am really dreaming, it is snowing heavily outside my window and everyone is home safe. Sound good?
So, where do you like to read? What is your ideal setting? Does it involve sand and sun rather than snow and fire?
Great topic, Kiki and thanks for stopping by! I've thought about my favorite books in several genres, which results in about 50 titles long. And, those would probably just be a short list from the books I've read in the past 5-7 years. Don't even get me started on books that I've read in my lifetime! But, if someone asked me to name the first book that pops into my head without thinking, that I would consider a favorite read, it would have to be PERSUASION by Jane Austen.
Some of my favorite worlds are the ones in Melissa Marr's WICKED LOVELY series, Ilona Andrews' KATE DANIELS series, Vikki Petterssen's SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC series and Dia Reeves' Portero in BLEEDING VIOLET and SLICE OF CHERRY. Yes, I am an urban fantasy lover. For a while I was all about the paranormal romance, and to an extent I still do read much in that genre, but lately I find myself craving the darker, HEA not required novels.
How about you? Chime in with a favorite book, genre, series, author...whatever is the first thing to pop into your head. Is there a trend or do you read widely across genres?
Blurb: Aubrey Griffen is a witch whose true reasons for coming to London soon fall to the wayside when she catches the eye of Edmund Bryant, the Marquess of Dalysbury. He seduces her into a whirlwind romance until the lies and threats of his mother force her to flee to Triaill Brimuir, a secret island of her ancestors off the coast of Ireland. Edmund goes after her only to be hit by Aubrey’s confusion and anger when she magically transforms him into an elemental beast of her own creation.
However, it is when Edmund’s lust mysteriously turns him back into a man that the couple are forced to deal with a family secret and untold of powers. Now, Edmund must learn to shift himself into the beast in order to save her in a battle of black verses white magic.
Fraught with scenes of explicit intimacy, romantic spells and mystical shapeshifting, Torn Asunder is a unique blending of the age of manners with sexual magic.
Genres: Historical (Regency), Paranormal (Witches & Shifters), Erotic, Romantic Suspense
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Thanks for having me, and thanks for the great list of books to check out! So many books, so little time :( LOL I tens often toward the darker lately myself, one of those reading phases one goes through.
Thanks for the guest post, Kiki!