Published: June 2011, CARINA PRESS
Series: Tangled #2
Texas Tangle (Tangled #1)
Source: Publisher via NetGalley, no other compensation given for an honest review
From Good Reads:
Forced to marry a man she just met, Sarah McLeod clings to the hope that she’ll finally find the love and acceptance she’ s always craved. Her tenuous dreams of a happy life on the frontier are in danger of being dashed by the one thing she can’ t change—her husband’ s love for another man.
Jackson Kellar’s determined to do right by his bride, yet he’s torn between his newfound love for Sarah and his still-burning desire for Nate.
Ranch owner Nate Campbell loves them both. He hates to see Jackson’ s loyalties so divided, and doesn’t want Sarah hurt either. How can they fix the tangled mess they find themselves in? Nate suggests a possible solution—a permanent threesome...
I Liked -- Plot: As with Leah Braemel's other book in this series, TEXAS TANGLE, I liked the different approach to a threesome that is presented. There is more of an element of M/M/F (as opposed to M/F/M), which I quite enjoyed. I will admit up front that pretty much all of my historical reading focuses on the European Regency and Victorian time setting, so I am not as familiar with the American west landscape. However, it almost seemed like TANGLED PAST didn't really need to be in a historical setting. In fact, I liked the story as much as I liked TEXAS TANGLE, but the first being in a contemporary western setting has given it a half-star edge over this one.
I Liked -- Character: Jackson Kellar was an interesting character. On the one hand, I didn't like him as much as I liked either Sarah or Nate. Jackson has unmistakeable feelings for another man, but gets swept up in marrying Sarah. Because he more or less is the cause of unhappiness in Sarah, as I read, I tended to appreciate Nate more. Regardless, Braemel did a good job of exploring the feelings of all three characters so that the reader could dig a little deeper into all three characters' motivations throught the novel.
My Rating: 12.5/15 (3.5 stars) Highly Recommend
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First off, that cover is gorgeous....absolutely beautiful. I love the sound of this one though the romance seems a bit cloying. I'll have to add it to my TBRRegister Website