Published: February 2012, POCKET
Series: Abby Sinclair series #2
A Brush of Darkness (Abby Sinclair #1)
Source: Bewitching Book Tours, no other compensation given for an honest review
From Good Reads:
Just when her new life as a TouchStone — a mortal bound to help OtherFolk cross between Faery and human worlds — seems to be settling down, Abby Sinclair is left in charge when the Protectorate, Moira, leaves for the Faery Court. And when the Protectorate’s away…let’s just say things spiral out of control when a spell on Abby backfires and the Faery Queen declares the Doors between their worlds officially closed.
The results are disastrous for both sides: OtherFolk trapped in the mortal world are beginning to fade, while Faerie is on the brink of war with the daemons of Hell. Along with her brooding elven prince Talivar and sexy incubus Brystion, Abby ventures to the CrossRoads in an attempt to override the Queen’s magic. But nothing in this beautiful, dangerous realm will compare to the discoveries she’s making about her past, her destiny, and what she will sacrifice for those she loves.
My Review:
Last year, I read A BRUSH OF DARKNESS and was totally bowled over. Urban fantasy wasn't something that I read much of before 2011. I had been used to reading science-fiction and fantasy. But, I found that I loved the darker and intricately created worlds of urban fantasy. I am very glad that I found my way into Abby Sinclair's world.
Allison Pang has almost redefined the urban fantasy heroine. Here, Abby is not a perfectly created woman. An accident has left her somewhat handicapped and suffering from seizures. But, it is her courage that makes her so appealing. In Abby's world, humans (especially ones with her unique power of being able to TouchStone) are like rare commodities to the Fae. She finds herself in the middle, which is not necessarily where she wants to be.
In the first book, Abby meets Brystion. I don't want to spoil too much, but I'll say that their relationship is pretty doomed, and Abby ends up hurt. In A SLIVER OF SHADOW, Brystion shows up again, and while he isn't in much of the first part of the book, his part in Abby's life is important. I liked how Pang weaved him back into the story. Though a more important plotline is introduced, and followed, I always thought that Abby and Brystion's parting in A BRUSH OF DARKNESS wasn't permanent.
Where Pang took Abby and the other great characters this time around (I seriously love Phin, Melanie, and new to the story, Talivar) was just as much of a roller coaster as the first time. See, there is action involved, but A SLIVER OF SHADOWS is a journey. The words just sucked me in and the characters are so real and tangible.
A SLIVER OF SHADOWS is a great example of urban fantasy, involving some twisted aspects of the Fae mythology that makes it engaging and unique. There's just the right mix of Alice down the rabbit hole, pop culture fantasy nods (Mordor, anyone?), and witty and emotional dialog from the characters.
If you haven't started the series yet, pick up A BRUSH OF DARKNESS for Phin, the horny unicorn alone. You'll definitely want second helpings with A SLIVER OF SHADOW. And, you'll definitely keep coming back to the series for the ensemble cast and the adventures, I promise.
4.5/5 for plot
5/5 for characters
4.5/5 for language
My Rating: 14/15 (4.5 stars)
Must Read, if you liked:
The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams
Kindling The Moon by Jenn Bennett
Dead On The Delta by Stacey Jay
Hunted By The Others by Jess Haines
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Available formats: Print (Mass Market Paperback), NookBook, epub, Kindle
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