24 January, 2013

GCR Promotions Cover Reveal: Kiss Of Fire with Rafflecopter Giveaway

Thanks to author Rebecca Ethington and Good Choice Reading Promotions, Read My Mind is happy to present the cover reveal for Kiss Of Fire!

About The Author:
Rebecca Ethington has been telling stories since she was small. First, with writing crude scripts, and then on stage with years of theatrical performances. The Imdalind Series is her first stint into the world of literary writing.

Rebecca is a mother to two, and wife to her best friend of 14 years. She was born and raised in the mountains of Salt Lake City, and hasn’t found the desire to leave yet.

Her days are spent writing, running, and enjoying life with her amazing family.

Website | Twitter | Facebook

Joclyn Despain has a scar. In fact, it is almost like a brand on her skin. She doesn’t know why it appeared on her neck, but she doesn’t want anyone to see it, including her best friend Ryland, who knows everything else about her. The scar is the reason she hides herself behind baggy clothes, and won’t let the idea of kissing Ryland enter her mind, no matter how much she wants to.

The scar is the reason she is being hunted.

If only she knew that she was.

If only she had known that the cursed stone her estranged father sent for her 16th birthday would trigger a change in her. Now, she is being stalked by a tall blonde man, and is miraculously throwing her high school bully ten feet in the air.

Joclyn attempts to find some answers and the courage to follow her heart. When Ryland finds her scar; but he knows what it means, and who will kill her because of it.

Barnes and Noble | Amazon


U.S. ONLY: One (1) print copy of BOTH Kiss of Fire and Eyes of Ember

INTERNATIONAL Winner will receive e-book copies

Just enter via the rafflecopter at the end of this post! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the cover. Its beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway. Tore923@aol.com


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