07 March, 2013

Kelly Keaton Cover Reveal, Or Read My Mind Is Baaack!

So, I took a break from the blog. Unintentionally, but it happens. I've been dealing with some family issues and some personal emotional issues, and unfortunately Read My Mind suffered because of this. However, when I was contacted by the lovely GCR Promotions about posting on Kelly Keaton's newest cover, I couldn't resist hopping on my laptop to share with my readers. Hope you're all still around and enjoy this!

About The Author:
Kelly loves ancient history, fantasy, and mythology. She dreams of one day attaining magical powers, discovering the secret to immortality, ridding her home of pet hair, and being crowned Mardi-Gras queen. 

As Kelly Gay, she writes the popular adult urban fantasy series, Charlie Madigan, for Pocket Books. While she calls Raleigh, NC, home, she can also be found chatting about books and life on Facebook and Twitter.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

THE WICKED WITHIN is the third book in Kelly Keaton's GODS AND MONSTERS series. Other books in the series:

Coming: September 2013, SIMON PULSE
Find On Goodreads


To celebrate the reveal Kelly is giving away a copy of Darkness Becomes Her and A Beautiful Evil, book one and two in the series. Best part? It's open international!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cover Reveal hosted by...

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