Published: December 2010, RISING SIGN BOOKS
Series: Immortalis #2
Immortalis #1: Carpe Noctem
Source: author via Virtual Book Tours Cafe, no other compensation given to me for an honest review.
From Good Reads:
Rule number one: humans and vampires don't co-exist. One is the hunter and one is the prey. Simple, right? Not for newly-turned vampire Alyssa. A surprise confrontation with Santino Vitale, the Acta Sanctorum's most fearsome hunter, sends her fleeing back to the world she once knew, and Fallon, the human friend she's missed more than anything. Now she has some explaining to do. However, that will have to wait. With the Acta Sanctorum hot on their heels, staying alive is more important than educating a human on the finer points of bloodlust.
My Review:
Alyssa and Lysander are back in the newest addition to the urban fantasy series, IMMORTALIS by Katie Salidas. Though the two vampires (and their adopted coven, the Peregrinus clan) encounter their share of danger and bad guys, HUNTERS AND PREY is not a high-octane, fast-paced novel. The story does unfold well, and never moves too slowly. However, each chapter is not filled with some new horror the hero/heroine must face. Rather, this is a book that follows a group of vampires that live lives almost the same as humans. They just happen to spend most of their time awake during the nighttime hours, and they hunt the depraved in order to gain sustenance.
In the first book, CARPE NOCTEM, these vampires found themselves being hunted by a ruthless adversary, Santino. This time around, Santino needs their help to face down a far greater threat to both humanity and vampirekind. (How very X-Men). Usually I am very on-the-fence about the villain who is KO'ed miraculously surviving a critical blow, but Salidas leads up to Santino's return very skillfully, and it is clear throughout the novel that, though the two sides might combine forces for a short period of time, the animosity toward each other is far from resolved.
The idea of the villain returning to propose a truce to his former prey is a part of the story that I liked. (How very Terminator 2). Readers who can get lost during the course of a series because of the inclusion of more and more characters that the hero/heroine encounter, will appreciate the return of Santino, a very familiar character, with very familiar motivations.
In the end, HUNTERS AND PREY is a welcome addition to the IMMORTALIS series for me. While I very much liked reading CARPE NOCTEM, I was more enganged when reading HUNTERS AND PREY. It's a book that held my attention with good characters, a good plot, and nice world-building. Best of all, it's made me want to dig into the next book in the series, as soon as possible.
4/5 for plot
4/5 for characters
4/5 for language
My Rating: 12/15 (3 stars)
Recommend, if you liked:
Nightshade by Michelle Rowen
Nightwalker by Jocelynn Drake
Blood Song by Cat Adams
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